Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just my luck >_>;

So for those of you that know me, this will be a very amusing occurance. For me, it's extremely frustrating!

Yesterday, I got up from my futon and went over to my desk. My lovely roommate, Miss Kaylie, decided it would be a fun idea to make me freak out over a hair that was on my pants that sort of resembled a spider.

Kaylie: "Woah...turn around."
Me: -turns around-
Kaylie: "Turn around! Turn around!"
Me: -turns- "What...What!?"
Kaylie: -looks at my leg in trepidation-
Me: -realizes that this is the look someone gives you when you have a huge spider on your or something. Proceeds to scream and run across the room.-

And that's when I fall. I'm so clumsy it's ridiculous. I was so freaked out about there being a spider on me that I ran and I sort of just fell! That's when I felt a familiar pop in my ankle and the familiar aching pain.

I'm pretty sure I sprained my ankle. :<

I think I'll be fine. Mom's air mailing me my aircast so hopefully it'll come soon! I can walk around fine and everything, but it hurts a little, so I think just for my own piece of mind and comfort, I'd like to have the aircast to wear.

But really -- third ankle sprain in a little over a year and a half? Just my luck T-T.


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