Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dinner with Megumi! this happened three weeks ago, but I had never written anything about it. On my first Thursday of the semester, Megumi, my speaking partner, invited me out to try お好み焼き (okonomiyaki) - a specialty in the Kansai region of Japan! Okonomi = taste/liking, and yaki = grilled/fried. So, it's fry what you like! Some go as far as to say that okonomiyaki is the Japanese equivalent to the American pizza.

Anyway, I met her in the CIE lounge and we took a bus down to the station. I'm not sure what the place was called, but it's inside one of the stores at the station. It was a bit hard to find something I might like since a lot of the okonomiyaki had fish inside, but Megumi was really helpful and, knowing that I didn't like fish, helped me find something I might like.

I was a little apprehensive because I had had okonomiyaki at home (made by Japanese people too!), and it wasn't that great. No pictures this time, but I had okonomiyaki with yakisoba inside. The way it works is that the cook cooks the okonomiyaki on a grill. When he's done, they turn on a grill on your individual table and put the food onto it so it stays hot the whole time you eat. You just cut it up into pieces with a spatula and put a small piece at a time in a little bowl to eat.

It wasn't that bad! As long as I got all of the layers of the okonomiyaki in each bite, I was fine. Every now and then I would have a part that tasted like something very strong that makes my stomach do a few cartwheels. I made it through though!

I was full after only eating half of the massive piece of food. Megumi was somehow able to eat the whole thing! Perhaps she didn't eat anything in preparation for the evening. Anyway, I was full and happy!

Conversation was still a little bit stilted. But I brought up the fact that we had done purikura a few days previous, so she went and took me to the local arcade to get some taken with me! Here's the pictures:

We totally didn't know what pose to do for this one >_>;

Top: "Nakayoshi" = close friend
Bottom: "Okonomiyaki Oishikatta" = "The okonomiyaki was delicious!"

She showed me back to where the buses were and I was able to make it successfully back home by myself! We haven't met since then, and right now, she's abroad in London for a few weeks. I think we were planning on meeting for Hanami at some point in time. I'll have to invite her to karaoke or something sometime!

Alright -- next up is Karoke! Then Denden Town :3


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