Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Place I Call Home

Nikki, our former roommate, moved out, so we organized the room and made it all pretty! Here's some pictures!

This is the main room. At night time, we lay out our futons. My side is the left. I'll get a picture of the futons up later tonight!
The room is an 8 tatami-mat room. That's the measurement Japanese use to determine how big a room is, rather than by square feet or something like that. The tatami is very delicate, so you can't do things like drag things across them, or roll your suitcase on top of them.

Here's the corner of the room by my desk!

Corner by the closets.

Here's my closet. This is where we store our futons when we're not sleeping on them. If you don't fold them often, the futon can get moldy.

A secondary shoe holder. I put my shoes here, as well as my bath products.

Looking from the entrance, this is the desk area. And guess what....!?

The doors close too! They're sweet looking, especially when you're sleeping at night. the paper (which isn't actually's some type of plastic) seems like it glows and it just looks really cool.

My desk area! The desk is pretty nice. It's way better than the desks we have at Mount. I have lots of drawers and lots of shelf space, and a biiiiiiiiiiiig desktop.

Shelf space!

Our beloved heater. Japanese buildings generally don't have much in the way of insulation, so in order to stay warm, we have to keep this buddy on at all times. In the summer it turns into an air conditioner!

We have a balcony too, so here's what it looks like from the inside.

Well....that's it! Hope you enjoyed the tour. xD


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